Thursday, April 22, 2010


RESTORED, is a book i am reading right now. My mother in law is leaning it to me.
Its about taking back your freedom we have in Christ. and Holding strong on to the Cross.
Not letting the devil have any part of your.
I am on chapter 4. Letting go of bitterness and unforgivness.
i thought that i have dealed with a lot of my forgiving people but going throught the spets really showed me that i was blocking some memoiers and i just didn't think they had any hold on me, but Jesus showed them to me. I still have work to do in the area of forgiving.
Here are some really good passages for the book.
"Nobody can fix there past, but by the Grace of God we can be free from it."
and i love this one. "Bitterness is like swalloing posion and hoping the other person die's"

I am really enjoying this book, and i highly recommend it. It's called Restored by, Neil T. Anderson.

Last thought : In your steps of forgiving others, remember to forgive your self !!!
Everyone fall's short of God Glory, but not so short that his hand is still right there to help you back up. He DIED so that he could forgive you, just by you asking, and he can heal your heart of the hatered and bitterness you have towareds your self. Let go and Let God !!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

I am a Bad Toothfairy !!!!!!!!

Lucious lost his 1st tooth about 2 weeks ago, and i just put it in a jar and was going to put it under his pillow later......and now it has been later, so last night i put his tooth in a little baggy and told him when you wake up look under your pillow and the tooth fairy will have left you money for your tooth. and Lucious went to bed all happy.
this morning as Jason was waking pass his room at 6am to go to work, Lucious call's to him and goes " didn't work" We forgot to put money under his pillow. oh we felt so bad. i ask Jason if he had any money on him right now and he said he had $5, and i told him to go give that to him, but jason said that we will do that tonight,
but Lucious is taking it very good. he said he will try again to put his tooth under his pillow tonight. Jason and i are going to give him $2 but all in courters.
Hopefully next time we will be better Toothfairys.