Wow, was today a great day. Plus 19 i think it was out here. and me and the kids played outside. At first i was baking and making the house even more hotter then what it was before, and Lucious was outside but he just stayed where i could see him. When my cinnamon buns were raising, me and Sibylla went outside to join Lucious. it was fun, the sun was so nice and there was a light warm breeze in the air. It was so lovely. I cleaned out my little garden and played ball with the kids. then my silly Sibylla sticked both her hands in a bucked of moter oil. Its been sitting outside for 2 years and i have been telling Jason to get rid of it, but he never did. so i had to bring sibylla in and wash her up. It didn't come off ever good, but using dish soap helped a lot. then we went back out for just a little, then come in for lunch and then had naps. When we got up we went back outside and Lucious and me were playing baseball and for a 3 year old that hasn't been playing all winter, he did very good. he hit the ball over my head. and sibylla found her self a patch of mud that the ground hogs lift behind, and got her self nice and muddy. then i showed her where the water was and she played in the water. time went by really fast because the next thing i notice is jason coming down the drive way. we are went walking down the drive way, jason wanted to fix it because of all he mud and water, its a really big mess, and Lucious helped dig the mud and sibylla played in it. she sat in the mud and her legs were completely covered in mud and she fall a couple of times too. but our ditch had some water in it and she played in that too. i had to carry her back to the house though. i think she might have gotten to much sun, she doesn't seem to be feeling good. shes crying a lot. But over all it was a Great day, Jason is soon going to BBQ some burgers. sweet!!!
Keepers - Die Leuchtturmwärter (2019) Scarica Film Completo Online Hd in
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